My pretty French tables

Since some months, you have been numerous sending me messages on Instagram when my “stories” smelt hot chocolate, cinnamon or even beef bourguignon ! I decided to share without my seasonal recipes and my endless passion for dinnerware sets.
Let’s go for the very first dish !
Apple Cake
It’s the season ! I just love the smell of this cake coming out of the oven. I presented it here in Gien plates, the famous French house of Faïencerie founded 200 years ago ! If you like this style but don’t want to spend too much, there is a new collaboration with Monoprix starting October 12th. Beautiful plates at an affordable price, yes they exist! To find out more about the recipe for this apple pie : click here !
Roasted Pork Filet Mignon with shallots
I really like recipes that are simple to make but can also dazzle my guests. Trust me, anyone can cook this filet mignon! If you don’t believe me, you can watch the video step by step ! What’s funny about these “Sologne” plates from la maison Gien is that I don’t think they would’ve caught my eyes in a store. They are a bit “Hunting and Fishing” don’t you think?! But then something just clicked! And I think they really fit well with this type of dish.
The Pan-Fried Spinach
Sure, we won’t impress our children with this dish, but us!? I just love it with a bit of “salmon en papillote”. The only problem is that you have to buy a whole pack only to have 500g cooked. However, if well cooked, they are delicious. (Click here for the recipe!)
It is displayed here in an “Ecume” plate from la maison de porcelaine Bernardaud.
aired with stainless steel Christofle cutlery and Maison du Monde table set.
Lamb Shank – Ground Potato
This recipe is a chance to tell you about Emile Henry ceramic dishes made in Bourgogne (“Burgundy”) since 1850! Do you see that big red casserole? I put all the ingredients in it and all I did was place it directly into my oven and left everything to cook inside. Isn’t it great? As for the flowery plates, they are none other than Gien ! Get the recipe by clicking here !
La tarte aux figues
How delicious are figs! Usually, we prefer to have them simply cut in half. But when you have guests over, you can go for a nice pie on the table. The result is quite nice, I paired it with this very simple Gien plate with gray borders. I also just found out that the little crochet mats are back in style! You can look for them in your grandmother’s old cabinets, or at Maison du Monde for a more modern plasticized version.
For the recipe : click here !