Chocolate Factory by Cyril Lignac

You may not know it yet, but Cyril Lignac opened his first chocalte factory. Yes, as Charlie dans Charlie ! I admit , it has already been a year and I hadn’t set foot in it yet. Ever since, I have been in full detox mode. “Sugar? IT’S OVER!!! A drug I tell you !!!” I held it for 6 weeks… And at the first bump, good old habits had their way of coming back in less time than it takes to swallow a Côte d’Or milk-hazelnut tablet. Don’t laugh, I’m sure you know what I’m talking about !
Free of all constarints (= of all guilts!) I decided to go and test this famous Chocolaterie located just in front of its pastry and bistro. Banco ! This place is a must try and I’m going to tell you why…
It is really beautiful and welcoming ! The navy blue transports you into a place where it feels good to be alive…the time of a breakfast or a gourmet break. You have the choice between the large central table for a nice gathering or the small tables placed in bistro-style all around. Either way, the Chocolaterie is so small it puts you in a friendly atmosphere !
That’s where it gets tricky…
You will feel like tasting everything ! At first glance, the choice isn’t very wide, but you’ll soon realize that between the showcase, teddy bears, cupcakes and the wall of chocolate bars… You won’t know where to start from ! You’ll also find the classics such as the “pain au chocolat”, cake, … And then there’s Cyril Lignac of course ! Which brings us to our next point…
3 – THE EXCELLENCE ! (à la française?)
I chose the hot chocolate with hazelnut chips ( an absolute must try! ) Along with a “tigré” kind of vanilla cake filled with chocolate, and as if that were not enough, it came with chocolate chips and crunchy balls inside. To die for! And then I added the “4 hours”, a milk loaf with a chocolate bar inside because it reminds me of my childhood. I admit that this meal has left me dreaming and in complete euphoria! (I think it’s the return of sugar !!!).
The cake is so soft and chocolate coated like I would have never imagined.
Grade : 10/10 !
And finally… THE TAKE AWAY !!!
At this point, I have to admit I’m getting so close to a diabetic breakdown. I think I got a little carried away. But it’s out of question to leave this chocolaterie without bringing home a beautiful surprise. And again I have to make a choice !
I discovered that Cyril Lignac made his own hazelnut milk spread. But I didn’t take that to (I quote) ” not exaggerate “. I still regret it to this day…
I took a look at the chocolate bars. I have to say they are a bit expensive (6 euros) but again it IS excellence by definition. They are quite thin and the ones with hazelnut, almonds or sesame are divine.
In the end, I didn’t really get the chance to offer them to anyone… I ate everything!
Next time I’m going to try the chocolate bars, the kind of small Snickers or luxurious Nuts version and tasty ingredients !
La Chocolaterie Cyril Lignac : 25 Rue Chanzy, 75011 Paris, open 7days a week from 8am à 7pm. Breakfast formula at 10 euros.